My Nine Patch

Grandma Frankie's Braids

"Grandma Frankie's Braids" was made from scraps that I received after my Cousin's Gandma passed away. She was a lifetime quilter and always made a quilt for each new child that was born (plus countless others). I figured that since this baby wouldn't get a "Grandma Frankie Blanket" so what better way to use the scraps... I made her a quilt with her Great Grandmother's scraps?? It is made so that it will grow with her and is big enough so that she can use it for a llong time to come! It was machine pieced and then hand quilted by my Mom!
"Let's Go Shopping"

This quilt is for my shopping buddy! She's also my best girl-friend! The title fits it well as the fabric has images of ladies shopping, purses, shoes and even flip flops... it has one quote in the middle of it... "Gone Shopping" ... enough said! I think that this quilt will fit the recipient perfectly. It's machine pieced and quilted. It's perfect for the couch and when taking a nap! I even have enough of this fabric left over to make one for myself!
.... off to sew or go to sleep... dont know which yet!!! ~~Jenny
it's mine!! and i love it!!!!! ;) i do however have to fight my shop-a-holic daughter for it occassionally since its the hit of the living room and the kids cant hang out and watch tv without a blanket! lol.. anyways Jenn.. i think its time for a shopping trip. we are over due! you will hafta teach me about all this fabric shoppin though. i make dance costumes not quilts! lmao.. love you! and MY quilt!!!! Laura